Thursday, February 20, 2014

Compared to today's average life, the frontier life is like a terrible nightmare since most American citizens have the latest medical technology, weather-proof homes, types of vehicles  to create buildings faster, and cell phones that children are most entertained with.  The frontier travelers were claiming their land by using a knife or a tomahawk to mark a certain range of trees and cleared most trees surrounding their property by starting forest fires, also people often settled by a body of water for quick access for a bath, washing clothes and drinking.  The homes were made using natural materials such as thin wood or dirt for a floor, there were holes for windows, but most cabins didn't have windows.  To entertain the children, the adults use a branch or iron bar and stuck it it the ground while the children threw horseshoes at the bar, some of the girls and boys had homemade dolls made from natural materials, and some popular toys and games were tag, jump rope, and cup-and-ball.  Due to lack of medicines many people were infected with the most feared disease during the 18th century, but in 1796 Edward Jenner cured the disease, and another famous disease was Typhoid which was found in the water, and usually carried by mosquitoes.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Frontier Life Topics:

1.   Claiming and clearing the land- tomahawk rights, settlement, clearing trees and rocks.

2.  Settlers’ homes-  log homes, windows, floors, chimney, fireplace.

3.  Settlers clothing and food-  Men’s clothes, Women’s clothes, fabrics, dyes, meat vegetables, corn- food products, sugar- sources.

4.  Settlers’ Recreation- bees, chores, house raisings, games, sports, dolls, weddings, horseshoes

5.  Settlers Health- cleanliness, ailments, cures, childhood diseases, smallpox, consumption, rabies, rumatism gout.