Social Changes: Vocab.
Complete frayer models for the following.
Freedmen, Feedman's bureau,
disfranchised, Ku Klux Klan.
Political Changes: Fill in the following as we go over it.
After the Civil War, WV and VA had unfinished business to
settle. One was the amount of debt of
VA's debt WV was required to pay. In
1919, 56 years after the states creation, the US Supreme Court ruled that WV
owed VA 14,562,867. WV, the poor state
that it was didn't have that kind of money, so they paid some in cash, then
paid the rest in ___________ (notes that are proof of debt that are paid in
payments with interest added).
Social Changes:
After the 15th Amendment gave freedmen all
political rights, former confederate states created laws to limit the vote to
certain groups. _________________ was a
tax that was required to vote. This
denied _________________ the vote.
Another way to deny the vote was the______________________. A third way to deny voting was the _______________________
which required your grandfather to have been registered to vote.
Labor Unions:
In order the fight unionization in WV, companies required
workers hired to sign ________________________ (a condition of employment
stating not to join a union or be evolved in union activity). Workers at one company who were found to be
involved in union activity would be placed on a ______________________ which
was shared with other companies in the state.
Often companies would fight workers with the courts. They would get a judge to issue an
_____________________, then those not in compliance would be arrested. Striking workers would often be replaced with
____________________ who were often immigrants.
bonds, poll tax, freedmen, literacy test, grandfather clause, yellow-dog contract, blacklist, injunction, scabs.
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